Saturday, May 31, 2008

3 Simple things you can do to lose weight

3 Simple things you can do to lose weight

Weight loss doesn't have to be stressful or difficult.

Here are a few tips that will help you lose weight gradually and keep it off. Its as simple as creating new habits for yourself, and to get out of bad old ones.

1. Eat slowly, then wait 20 minutes.
It takes time for your brain to register that you have eaten, and for it to give you the message that you are indeed full. Ever get that "I've eaten too much feeling"? Its propably because you ate to fast for you brain to realize you've eaten at all. Teach yourself to eat slower so that your brain has time to feel that you have a full stomache.

2. Don't pour yourself a cup of calories.
Did you ever stop to think about how many calories you drink each day in soda, coffee, tea, alcohol and juice? Juice isn't as healthy as you may think, you get all those calories from the fruit, but none of the beneficial things like the fiber. Have an actual fruit instead, an orange for example would give you great benefits, quench yours thirst and make you more full. Also, available at your nearest tap, water! Drink lots of water, as you will feel full and its got nothing bad in it.
3. Read about weight loss.
Yes, its an odd tip, but it will help you focus on your goals. If you are able to keep your focus, you are more likely to achieve your goals.There are lots of great articles about success stories and tips out there on weight loss. Increase your movitation by reading.

There you have it, 3 simple things you can do for weight loss for the long term.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Free Fitness Downloads

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to write a quick note today to let everyone know about some free downloads that I was able to get.

Please help yourself to them and enjoy them.

They will also be located permanently on the blog so you can come and get them as you need them. They will be on the right side of the blog.

Once again I hope every one enjoys this fitness blog and gets as much from it as I put into it.

Here's those free fitness downloads:




Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hi there and thanks for reading my blog.

As you can see there isn't much here yet, but over the next few weeks I will be profiling different fitness programs that will help you either lose wieght and/or build muscle.

The internet has much to offer when it comes to the newest weight loss fad. What you don't know is how long that fad will be successful for your "healthy body" goals.

My goal is much like yours...
"Losing wieght and staying healthy for the long term."

In the mean time, while you wait for me to compile my news and reviews on different programs, here is a sneak peek at whats to come.

Also you should also check out this site,Your Fitness Source, there is a little more info about these and other fat loss programs.

Until next time, happy success!