Monday, June 16, 2008

Walking, the cheapest workout you can ever do!

We walk every day, but it isn't a major focus for a lot of people when it comes to their daily routine. We walk because we have to, just to get from point A to point B. But if you make an effort to walk just for excersise you would be amazed at how much walking can do for both your physical and mental health.
One of the best things about walking is it can be done anywhere, by yourself, with a friend. Its cheap too!
People like to go to the gym to excersise, but here's a gym right out your front door.
Some people use the excuse they don't have time to get out to the gym, and that can be completely true. Once you factor in driving time to get there, time to check in, get changed, actually workout, get showered then the commute again, it can take an hour or more, and that can be hard to fit into a regular routine if you have kids, work, the list goes on. Also gym fees can be expensive, but walking isn't.
Think about this, to get outside for a walk, all you need to do is tie on your shoes, and head out the door! And it can be done during your lunch hour.
To really enjoy the benefits of walking its reccommended that you try to get at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
If you are walking to slim down its reccomended to try to attain a brisk walk for 45 minutes 5 days a week. On that note though, if you are just starting out, don't push yourselfto the 45 minutes of brisk walking, start with acasual walk for 10 minutes, and slowly incresae over 10 weeks so you meet the 45 minutes of brisk walking.
The benefits of walking are immense. Studies commonly show that any regular exercise, like walking, reduces the chances of many life threatening diseases, like coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and certain cancers.
Find time to walk a little more, every day, and find out really how good it can really feel.

Need shoes? Go LOCO.....

Running Shoes - LOCO Perfecto

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Medicine Ball Workouts

Some of the simplest work outs are easy and not time consuming but great for building muscles.
A couple minutes a day is sometimes all you need.
Along with simple excersises and workouts you can use a simple tool that no home gym is complete without, the medicine ball.
Medicine balls come in a varity of weights and are so versitile. You can purchase one for around $40, depending on the wieght you choose.

Here are 3 great excersises that you can do with a medicine ball.

1) Single Leg V-ups

Lie on your back on the floor
Legs together and extended
Have your arms above your head with the medicine ball in your hands
Bring the medicine ball up and over your head keeping your arms straight
Simulataniously bring your left leg to meet the medicine ball above your torso, keeping your leg straight.
Bring you arms and leg back to the starting position, repeat with your right leg.
Do this so you have done each leg 10 times.

2) Medicine Ball Lunge

Standing with the medicine ball at your belly button
Raise the medicine ball over your head with both arms
Lunge forward on your left foot
Step back into the starting position while bringing the ball back to your belly button
Repeat this ten times with lunging on your left foot, then switch and do it with the right foot.

3) Medicine Ball Squat

Standing, feet shoulder width apart
Medicine ball in your hands, arms extended forward
Squat keeping the medicine ball fully extended, hold for 1-2 seconds
Stand back up
Repeat 15 times.

Remember to fully stretch before beginning your workout.

Once again, a medicine ball is a great weight tool that can easily be adapted into any excersise routine.

I reccommend:

Have fun with your medicine ball workouts!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Information on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Program

It turns out that Fat Loss 4 Idiots is quite popular among internet weight loss seekers. I have found many sites praising it on its success and ability to help people with their wieght loss goals.

Now for those that you have been asking about it, here is an indepth look at Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Firstly, this program is very comprehensive, giving you instant access to thier entire program.
After getting access take time to look over the "Idiot Proof Diet Handbook". I reccommend printing it off for easy access. You will find that you can lose up to 9lbs every 11 days but putting to work their techniques in weight loss.

There are different meal plans that you can chose from to fit your personal needs. Be it a vegetarian or typical plan. Within these plans there is a Diet Generator that lets you chose 14 of your favorite foods, that will then help create a 11 day meal plan for you to follow.


  • Find out also how you can keep yourself from retaining water.

  • You can still enjoy a few drinks when partying, and still burn fat.

  • Simple changes to your grocery list that will boost fat burning for your entire family.

  • Get the facts: 10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss

Like any diet plan you need ot follow it to be successful, but the nice thing with Fat Loss 4 Idiots there isn't any weekly meetings you need to go to. Fat loss 4 Idiots is simple and cheap, but isn't stingy on the personal results. Also check out the optional upgrade "Beyond Calories"

Still looking for more? Check it all out here!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Rob Poulos's Fat Burning Furnace, fitness program.

Written by formerly overweight Rob Poulos, Fat Burning Furnace is a total body fat loss routine. Different then most online fat burning programs/products, Fat Burning Furnace stands alone.

The specialty and uniqueness of the Fat Burning Furnace is the short and sporatic workout routines that Poulos says will get you better and fast results with the least amount of effort.

2 good things about the work outs are; multijoint excersizes to boost that metabolism higher. As well as, conveying to you the importance to rep speed, making a huge difference in your workout itself.

The main componant to the Fat Burning Furncae program is workout, but thats not to minimize the importance of your diet and nutrition. Nutrition and diet is about 3/4 of the battle with complete, total body fat loss.

You will get nowhere with your fat burning program if you are eating chips and beer every night. No matter how hard you work during your fitness program.

In the Fat Burning Furnace book, Rob of defines the pivotal diet and nutrition tips that can make a big difference in your fat loss, when other programs failed to go further into proper post workout nutrition and defining special nutrition like certain fats and dairies that will help you build a leaner body.

Provided in the program you will find:

- workout time tables to keep track of your progress

- higly reccommended foods to help with fat loss

- bad foods that are detrimental to your fat loss

- bonus eBook

Although the workouts are considerably different from what you find in other favorite guides on the internet, Fat Burning Furnace does work in terms of building lean muscle and giving your metabolism a boost at the same time.
For lots more information check out Rob Poulos's site here: Fat Burning Furnace

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Review of Turbulence Training

Review of Turbulence Training:
The Program that Promises Maximum Fat Loss in Minimum Workout Time
Turbulence Training promises fast fat loss results for men and women who don't have a lot of time for exercise. This is a bold promise, and the workouts promise maximum results in only three workouts per week.
Let's take a look at this claim, and see if it really measures up!
Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind the workouts. I've come across Craig Ballantyne's name many times in popular fitness magazines such as Men's Health and Men's Fitness, and even in Oxygen and Shape magazines. So the program is clearly put together by a trusted fitness expert.
I've also talked to Craig about his training and education background, and I'll be honest, it was impressive, unlike the trainers with weekend certifications that pop up at large commercial gyms. Craig's experience goes back to the mid-nineties, in both the gym and in the research lab. He's actually led research trials on sport supplements, strength training, and cardiovascular training.
Plus, Craig has been a strength coach and has worked with hundreds of clients in thousands of training sessions. This is a unique, and thorough background, so its not surprising he's come up with a new training system for fat loss.
In fact, Craig's articles are always pretty hard on traditional aerobic cardio workouts. So if you're looking for new ways to spend 30 or 60-minutes doing cardio, then this program is not for you. But if you only have 45 minutes to workout, a couple of times per week, and you have access to only a bench, dumbells, and an exercise ball, then you'll like what Craig has for you here.
Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is Turbulence Training?" Well according to Craig, its the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts. He says, "Cardio doesn't boost your metabolism after exercise. Only strength training and interval training do that - while you work, sleep, and eat - your body will be shedding fat."
Fortunately, Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment (if you are really strong, it might help to have a chinup bar). So again, if you are one of those people who loves machines, or cardio equipment, or marathon workouts, then this program is not for you.
Frankly, I've used the program myself and recommended to many others. Why? Because no one has time for long workouts! That's why. After an eight or ten hour workday, a round-trip commute of 90 minutes, and spending time with my family, I just don't have time to do another 90 minute workout every day of the week.
In fact, I either get up early and do the workout before work, or I do it just before bed. This workout is perfect for busy men and women. But its not the type of routine that is going to turn anyone into a pro bodybuilder. If you want maximum muscle and want to bulk up, try another one of Craig's programs. But the Turbulence Training system is best for burning fat without sacrificing muscle - so you end up lean, defined, chiseled and toned.
And its fun! So many workouts are boring (i.e. long cardio) or repetitive (i.e. doing the same bodybuilding workout over and over again). But Turbulence Training uses a lot of unique (but not fluffy) exercises, including some cool, killer bodyweight moves that will make you more athletic and increase your functional and core strength - again, all with minimal equipment needs.
But, I am even able to recommend this program to friends who are just starting out, because Craig has put together a 6-week introductory program, and a 4-week intermediate program in addition to the 16-week advanced training phase (PLUS, the Turbulence Training program comes with a massive amount of bonus workouts for muscle building, bodyweight only, advanced fat loss, and even a female specific bonus).
But each workout progresses into the next. He's used all of these workouts with hundreds of clients - so they are safe and effective. Sure, you can get other programs that leave you smashed and puking after the first workout, but Turbulence Training is not like that. Soreness doesn't matter, only results matter! And you are in expert hands with Turbulence Training, and Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne.
Craig's Turbulence Training also contains a contract -- basically, your pledge to being committed to the program. It also includes an ebook on Nutrition Guidelines from expert, Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., and an extensive Q&A section, a 21-Healthy Habit Building Plan, plus the complete Turbulence Training workouts for beginner, intermediate and advanced level individuals.
All users will benefit from the Turbulence Training MP3 audio where Craig goes over the program, plus you can find every single exercise explained in detail, complete with photos.
Okay, so bottom line. Turbulence Training is NOT....
Long, slow cardio workouts
A machine-based exercise circuit
A bodybuilding program to gain bulk
A workout with lots of time-wasting isolation exercises
A restrictive eating plan
Turbulence Training provides NONE of the above. On the other hand, Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes without spending a lot of money on equipment or space on exercise machines. Oh, and you'll actually have fun and you won't "dread" these workouts - heck, they will be over before you know it!
If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Craig's program. I was very impressed with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, the bonuses, the guarantee, and Craig's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal in the fitness and fat loss industry - so much better than diet pills! And remember...
Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee. And this is a real guarantee... if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." So you really have nothing to lose.