Thursday, June 12, 2008

Medicine Ball Workouts

Some of the simplest work outs are easy and not time consuming but great for building muscles.
A couple minutes a day is sometimes all you need.
Along with simple excersises and workouts you can use a simple tool that no home gym is complete without, the medicine ball.
Medicine balls come in a varity of weights and are so versitile. You can purchase one for around $40, depending on the wieght you choose.

Here are 3 great excersises that you can do with a medicine ball.

1) Single Leg V-ups

Lie on your back on the floor
Legs together and extended
Have your arms above your head with the medicine ball in your hands
Bring the medicine ball up and over your head keeping your arms straight
Simulataniously bring your left leg to meet the medicine ball above your torso, keeping your leg straight.
Bring you arms and leg back to the starting position, repeat with your right leg.
Do this so you have done each leg 10 times.

2) Medicine Ball Lunge

Standing with the medicine ball at your belly button
Raise the medicine ball over your head with both arms
Lunge forward on your left foot
Step back into the starting position while bringing the ball back to your belly button
Repeat this ten times with lunging on your left foot, then switch and do it with the right foot.

3) Medicine Ball Squat

Standing, feet shoulder width apart
Medicine ball in your hands, arms extended forward
Squat keeping the medicine ball fully extended, hold for 1-2 seconds
Stand back up
Repeat 15 times.

Remember to fully stretch before beginning your workout.

Once again, a medicine ball is a great weight tool that can easily be adapted into any excersise routine.

I reccommend:

Have fun with your medicine ball workouts!

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